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Re: [Debian]: Falsch-Farbdruck bei Linux

On Wed, Jul 14, 1999 at 02:16:23PM +0200, Thomas O. Kruse wrote:

> Epson Stylus Photo 700 gekauft. (Farbtintendrucker) Nach vielem Hin- und
> Her (ganze letzte Nacht) habe ich ihn dazu überredet, auch in Farbe unter
> Linux zu drucken.  Leider stellen sich folgende Probleme: - Die Farben
> stimmen ÜBERHAUPT nicht (alles viel zu blau, ein wenig zu blaß und zu

das kenne ich, meiner hat auch viel zu rot gedruckt anfangs, und war zu
dunkel. Ein paar Tips zu Epson Druckern sind in meiner FAQ (s.u. Homepage)

> filter  /usr/bin/gs  -sDEVICE=uniprint @stc600pl.upp -dShingling=2 -q

wieso stc600p*l* ? das ist 360dpi. Nimm stc600p, oder für Glanzpapier halt

> PS: Generell, was ist "besser"? apsfilter oder magicfilter? Suse
> verwendet imho das aps, darum habe ich das gestern auch kurz angetestet,
> das Resultat war allerdings indiskutabel.

Tun sich nix. magicfilter ist einfacher gestrickt und simpler zu handhaben,
vor allem wenn man selbst Printer-Filter definieren will. APS-Filter ist
deutlich komplexer, kann aber auch - in punkto Filtern - mehr.

Hier läuft ein Stylus Color 600 mit folgendem Magicfilter-Filter (Attach).
Die auskommentierten Optionen sind "Experimentierwerte".

_ciao, Jens_______________________________ http://www.pinguin.conetix.de

Anyone comfortable with using Linux shall use it. | "I'm afraid Linux has a 
Anyone wanting to tell other people what they     |  year-429496 problem"
should be using can go work for Microsoft.        |  -- Kernel mailing list

#! /usr/sbin/magicfilter
# Magic filter setup file for EPSON ESC/P2 (i.e. Stylus Color) series color
# printers in 720 dpi
# !-! changed for Stylus Color PRO with stc600p.upp (UniPrint device)
# STCOLOR=stcolor.ps
# Based on epsonlqc. Modified and partially tested together with the original
# Stylus Color, Ghostscript versions 3.33 and 4.03 by Dirk_Ritter@s5.maus.de
# but please no Mail >64 kB to this address.
# No warranty for anything whatsoever!
# This file is in the public domain.
# This file has been automatically adapted to your system.
# wild guess: native control codes start with <ESC>
0       \033            cat

# You really should change Ghostscripts options if you have a version >=3.51
# since the options changed. See devices.doc (or *.txt) for what they do.
# These esoteric options are needed and aren't documented in Ghostscripts
# Manual page since they are specific to the device driver 'stcolor':
# -sDEVICE=stcolor -r720 -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -sOutputFile=- stcolor.ps -
# The options currently used should work with Ghostscript up to version 3.33.
# !-! extracted
# SPOTSIZE=-dSpotSize='{2.6 2.4 2.6 2}'
# PostScript
0	%!		filter  /usr/bin/gs  @stc600p.upp -q $SPOTSIZE $STCOLOR -sOutputFile=\|"cat 1>&3" - 3>&1 1>&2 
0	\004%!		filter  /usr/bin/gs  @stc600p.upp -q $SPOTSIZE $STCOLOR -sOutputFile=\|"cat 1>&3" - 3>&1 1>&2 

0	%PDF		fpipe	/usr/bin/gs  @stc600p.upp -q $SPOTSIZE $STCOLOR -sOutputFile=\|"cat 1>&3" $FILE 3>&1 1>&2 

0	\367\002	fpipe	/usr/bin/dvips  -D 720  -R -q -f 

# compress'd data
0	\037\235	pipe	/bin/gzip  -cdq 

# packed, gzipped, frozen and SCO LZH data
0	\037\036	pipe	/bin/gzip  -cdq 
0	\037\213	pipe	/bin/gzip  -cdq 
0	\037\236	pipe	/bin/gzip  -cdq 
0	\037\240	pipe	/bin/gzip  -cdq 

# troff documents
0	.\?\?\040	fpipe 	`/usr/bin/grog  -Tps $FILE` 
0	.\\\"		fpipe 	`/usr/bin/grog  -Tps $FILE` 
0	'\\\"		fpipe 	`/usr/bin/grog  -Tps $FILE` 
0	'.\\\"		fpipe 	`/usr/bin/grog  -Tps $FILE` 
0	\\\"		fpipe 	`/usr/bin/grog  -Tps $FILE` 

# ditroff
0	"x T ps"	pipe 	/usr/bin/grops 
0	"x T dvi"	pipe	/usr/bin/grodvi 
0	"x T ascii"	pipe	/usr/bin/grotty 
0	"x T latin1"	pipe	/usr/bin/grotty 
0	"x T lj4"	reject	Cannot print LaserJet 4 ditroff files.

# Portable bit-, grey- and pixmaps
0	P1\n		pipe 	/usr/bin/pnmtops  -scale 1000 -dpi 720  2>/dev/null 
0	P2\n		pipe 	/usr/bin/pnmtops  -scale 1000 -dpi 720  2>/dev/null 
0	P3\n		pipe 	/usr/bin/pnmtops  -scale 1000 -dpi 720  2>/dev/null 
0	P4\n		pipe 	/usr/bin/pnmtops  -scale 1000 -dpi 720  2>/dev/null 
0	P5\n		pipe 	/usr/bin/pnmtops  -scale 1000 -dpi 720  2>/dev/null 
0	P6\n		pipe 	/usr/bin/pnmtops  -scale 1000 -dpi 720  2>/dev/null 

# HP Printer Control Language (PCL) -- assume start with reset code
0	\033E\033	reject	Cannot print PCL files on this printer. 

# HP Printer Job Language (PJL)
0	\033%-12345X	reject	Cannot print PJL files on this printer. 
0	"@PJL "		reject	Cannot print PJL files on this printer. 
0	@PJL\t		reject	Cannot print PJL files on this printer. 
0	@PJL\r		reject	Cannot print PJL files on this printer. 
0	@PJL\n		reject	Cannot print PJL files on this printer. 

# GIF files
0	GIF87a		pipe	/usr/bin/giftopnm  2>/dev/null
0	GIF89a		pipe	/usr/bin/giftopnm  2>/dev/null

# JFIF (JPEG) files
0	\377\330\377\340\?\?JFIF\0	pipe	/usr/bin/djpeg  -pnm

# TIFF files (the last two bytes of the "magic" is really a version number;
# but the magic is really lame and as far as I have understood the version
# number has never changed and never will, so we include it.)
0	MM\0\x2a	fpipe   /usr/bin/tiff2ps  $FILE
0	II\x2a\0	fpipe   /usr/bin/tiff2ps  $FILE 

# BMP files (even lousier magic -- Microsoft strikes again!)
0	BM\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\x0c	pipe	\
	/usr/bin/bmptoppm  2>/dev/null
0	BM\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\x40	pipe	\
	/usr/bin/bmptoppm  2>/dev/null
0	BM\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\x28	pipe	\
	/usr/bin/bmptoppm  2>/dev/null

# Garbage delivered from Windows via Samba
# (donated by Andree Leidenfrost <leidenfrost@dkrz.de>)
# 300     \033\052\157    cat
# later changed to 
# (Bug report #22866: magicfilter: Incorrect magic for Win95/Samba print jobs)
0       \000\000\000\000\000   cat

# Sun rasterfiles
0	\x59\xa6\x6a\x95 pipe	/usr/bin/rasttopnm  2>/dev/null

# SGI Imagelib (IRIS RGB) files
0	\x1\xda		pipe	/usr/bin/sgitopnm  2>/dev/null
0	\xda\x1		pipe	/usr/bin/sgitopnm  2>/dev/null

# FIG files; reported by Steven P. Hill <sph@uscbu.ih.att.com>
0	#FIG		pipe	/usr/bin/X11/fig2dev  -Lps -P -l dummy

# Standard rejects... things we don't want to print

# Various archive formats
257	ustar\0		reject	Attempted to print a tar file.
257	"ustar  \0"	reject	Attempted to print a tar file.
0	07070		reject	Attempted to print a cpio file.
0	PK\3\4		reject	Attempted to print a zip file.
20	\xdc\xa7\xc7\xfd reject	Attempted to print a zoo file.

# Binaries (Linux): reject with email message
0	\013\1d\0	reject	Attempted to print a compiled binary.
0	\100\1d\0	reject	Attempted to print a compiled binary.
0	\007\1d\0	reject	Attempted to print a compiled binary.
0	\314\0d\0	reject	Attempted to print a compiled binary.
0	\177ELF		reject	Attempted to print an ELF object.
0	\007\001\0	reject	Attempted to print an object file.
216	\021\001\0\0	reject	Attempted to print a core dump file.
0	!<arch>		reject	Attempted to print an archive.
0	=<ar>		reject	Attempted to print an archive.

# Don't confuse this one with troff!
0	.snd		reject	Attempted to print Sun/NeXT audio data.

# optimistic troff magic
0	.		fpipe 	`/usr/bin/grog  -Tps $FILE` 
# wacko troff magic
0	'''		fpipe 	`/usr/bin/grog  -Tps $FILE` 

# Default entry -- for normal (text) files.  MUST BE LAST.
# default                 filter /usr/bin/recode latin1:cp437

# !-! I already switched my printer to print LATIN1 characters ...
default			filter	cat

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