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Re: portàtil amb Debian

Alex Muntada <alexm@caliu.cat> writes:

> Mònica Ramírez:
>> Doncs aquest no l'havia vist i la veritat és que té molt bona
>> pinta... Algú el té o l'ha usat i em pot dir què tal va?
> Tal com deia, jo tinc el del 2013 ;-)
> Us copio la parrafada que li vaig dir al Max quan em va preguntar fa uns mesos:
> «That was my third laptop with ubuntu OEM from Dell: my first one
> was Dell Mini 9, the next year I bought a Dell Vostro and when
> Dell launched XPS in Spain a couple of years later I bought it
> too, feeling that it would became more difficult to get linux
> laptops every time (and I was right).
> »I've always purchased an extended warranty from Dell, so I'm
> confident that I don't have to spend more money on that for at
> least a couple of years or three. I've needed Dell hardware
> support twice over these years and I'm happy with the results.
> Dell has a reputation for replacing bad designed hardware in
> some cases, even when the warranty had expired. On the other
> side, I hear horror stories about Apple Care.
> »The Dell XPS is a fine machine: good, big screen with a very
> comfortable, retrolighted keyboard and a big touchpad. Having
> 8 GB of memory and an i7 motherboard has permitted me to play
> with multiple virtual machines running at the same time in
> many occasions, which is a great thing to test environments
> while developing.
> »Things that you should be careful about is that there are only
> two USB ports (both USB3 compatible) and no ethernet port, so
> you'll need an USB adapter for that (it can cost ~25€ or more).
> The only video port is mini-DP (thunderbolt compatible), so
> you'll need another adapter too. Some people don't like the
> brilliant finishing of the screen, which makes your reflection
> be seen on the background but gives the pictures and videos a
> more vivid coloring in my opinion.
> »On the good side, everything worked fine with the Ubuntu OEM
> that Dell installed (well, except the network USB adapter
> but it's now supported by default in the kernel) and I've
> been able to upgrade to newer versions without much pain.
> I can't tell about Debian, though. Also, the battery lasts
> between 4-7h and it recharges pretty quickly, which is a
> plus for me.
> »Finally, if you want to buy a laptop with linux OEM, I can't
> think of a better one than the Dell XPS right now. If I were
> to buy a laptop now, it would be the same again. There are
> other laptops from Lenovo that have good specs and are well
> supported in Debian and Ubuntu, but I'm tired to pay for a
> license that I don't want and I prefer to spend my time in
> other things than fighting secure boot, etc.»

Gràcies Àlex. Aquest últim mail m'ha convençut gairebé ja del
tot. Potser els de Mountain són laptops més potents, pero el pes, el
teclat retroiluminat i tot el que expliques té molt bona pinta. Potser
l'únic problema és el preu, però és el que hi ha...

Una última pregunta: ara recordo que una amiga que també el tenia i em
va dir que era una mica pesat navegar per documents ja que el PgUp i el
PgDn no tenien tecla pròpia. A tu se't fa incomode?

Moltes gràcies per tota la informació!


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