Re: curiositat
El dijous 28/09/06, a les 17:44 (+0200), Lluis Vilanova va escriure:
> El Thu, Sep 28, 2006 at 04:30:07PM +0200, Pau Tallada Crespí ens deleit? amb les seg?ents paraules:
> > Fins que no fa el timeout no retorna a l'estat «natural». Supòs que
> > deu ser un bug... --
> ui... un bug... que no heu llegit mai aixo de "this is not a bug, it's a
> feature" ? ;)
> ara que ho heu recordat, jo ja fa temps (anys) que m'hi havia trovat, aixi
> que si encara hi es, o be es un bug que ningu s'ha dignat a arreglar, o be
> es realment una "feature" :)
Exacte, és una "feature".
Ho he descobert llegint el UNIX-HATERS Handbook, diu:
«Unix was designed before the days of
CRT displays on the console. For many of us, the main input/output device
was a 10-character/second, all uppercase teletype (advanced users had 30-
character/second teletypes, with upper- and lowercase, both). Equipped
with a paper tape reader, I hasten to add. No, those were the real days of
computing. And those were the days of Unix. Look at Unix today: the rem-
nants are still there. Try logging in with all capitals. Many Unix systems
will still switch to an all-caps mode. Weird.»
Els que no podeu entrar és que probablement heu escrit la
contrassenya en majúscules :)
"All the people look well in the dark."
—The Velvet Underground
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