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Bug#651957: texlive-bibtex-extra: Remove outdated elsevier-bib files?

Interesting... I now understand the meaning of your first message! The only difference between Squeeze and Wheezy is then the call to bibliographystyle:

Squeeze: \bibliographystyle{elsart-harv}
Wheezy:  \bibliographystyle{elsarticle-harv}

And all seem to work smoothly as it used to do... No need to any external file... Only need to read carefully the explanations I'm given!

Fun thing is that I already had that installed (obviously comes with texlive-full)...

Thanks a lot Norbert, and sorry for all the noise!

Le 24/07/2012 19:44, Norbert Preining a écrit :
On So, 22 Jul 2012, Mathieu wrote:
Dear Norbert, thanks for the note. I couldn't find the relevant
information about Tex Live... and wrongly assumed, based on this bug
report, that the fault was on Debian instead!

I found the Elsevier files on the net [1], and it works now smoothly!

Huuu?? They are shipped in TeX LIve on Debian/Ubuntu!!!
	apt-get install texlive-publisher
andyou get everything you need?!

Best wishes

Norbert Preining            preining@{jaist.ac.jp, logic.at, debian.org}
JAIST, Japan                                 TeX Live&  Debian Developer
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The involuntary abdominal gurgling which fills the silence following
someone else's intimate personal revelation.
			--- Douglas Adams, The Meaning of Liff

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