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Possible bug somewhere


I attach a file which tests the use of \texttt given a number of packages.
It results in a weird error when run with "lualatex tt1.tex".

I should welcome some advice on what to do to correct the error.

Please find attached:
   (1) The small test file tt1.tex
   (2) My style file pkaff.sty

This should enable you to pinpoint the error.

 Have a good holiday!

Sian Mountbatten
Specialist of Algol 68

\setmainfont{Droid Serif}
\setsansfont[Scale=MatchLowerCase]{Droid Sans}
\setmonofont[Scale=MatchLowerCase]{Droid Sans Mono}

% Style file for ``Programado kun Algol 68 Farita Facila''
%  Created by Sian -- 2012/12/22 05:20:17
%  $Log: pkaff.sty,v $
% Hyphenation patterns
\hyphenation{par-am-etro par-am-etroj par-am-etron par-am-etrojn}
\hyphenation{oper-ando oper-andoj oper-andon oper-andojn}
% New length
% Commands for answers
   \typeout{Skribante solvdosieron \jobname.solv}}

% Counters
\newcounter{chapnum}       % Used by the answer environment
\newcounter{exno}[chapter] % Exercise number - starts from 1 for each chapter
\newcounter{subexno}[exno] % Sub-exercise number (letter)
\newcounter{hyper}[section]% Used to form hyperref labels
% Esperanto terms for fixed heading texts
% Table of contents macros
  \ifnum \c@tocdepth >\m@ne
    \vskip 1.0em \@plus\p@
      \parindent \z@ \rightskip \@pnumwidth
      \parfillskip -\@pnumwidth
      \leavevmode \bfseries
      \hskip -\leftskip
      #1\nobreak\hfil \nobreak\hb@xt@\@pnumwidth{\hss #2}\par
% Sectioning commands
\newcommand\Chapter[2]{% #1: chapter title #2: label
\newcommand\Section[2]{% #1: section title #2: label
\newcommand\Subsection[2]{% #1: subsection title #2: label
\newcommand\Subsubsection[2]{% #1: subsubsection title #2: label
% Heading command
    \markright {%
      \ifnum \c@secnumdepth > -1
          \@chapapp\ \thechapter. \ %
% Indexing environment
   \columnseprule \z@
   \columnsep 35\p@
   \parskip\z@ \@plus .3\p@\relax
% Hypertext macros
% \hy@anchor: #1=URL #2=Text
%\newcommand\hy@anchor[2]{\special{html:<a name="#1">}#2\special{html:</a>}}
% \hy@ref:    #1=URL #2=Text
%\newcommand\hy@ref[2]{\special{html:<a href="#1">}#2\special{html:</a>}}

%   ind-\roman{chapter}-\ifx\value{section}{0}%
%                       \else\roman{section}
%                       \fi
%                      -\roman{hyper}}

\newcommand\hx[2]{% #1=text entry, #2=index entry
%  \hy@cnt
%  \hy@anchor{\hy@lab}{#1}%
\newcommand\hxrt[2]{% #1=text entry(r), #2=index entry(t)
%  \hy@cnt
%  \hy@anchor{\hy@lab}{#1}%
\newcommand\hxtt[2]{% #1=text entry(t), #2=index entry(t)
%  \hy@cnt
%  \hy@anchor{\hy@lab}{\texttt{#1}}%
\newcommand\hxtii[3]{% #1=text, #2=index, #3=level-2 index
%  \hy@cnt
%  \hy@anchor{\hy@lab}{\texttt{#1}}%
\newcommand\hxrtii[3]{% #1=text, #2=index, #3=lev 2
%   \hy@cnt
%   \hy@anchor{\hy@lab}{#1}%
% Exercise and answer macros
 {\vskip0pt plus .2\vsize\penalty-250
  \vskip0pt plus-.2\vsize\goodbreak
    \Section{Ä?apitro \arabic{chapnum}}{app-\roman{chapnum}}%

\newenvironment{exercise}% begdef follows
  {\immediate\write\@answerfile{}% blank line
   \vskip0pt plus .2\vsize\penalty-250
   \vskip0pt plus-.2\vsize\goodbreak
   \bigskip\bigskip\hrule height \ruleht
   \begin{list}{% Commands for the default label for exercise
%     \hy@anchor{ex-\@ref}{\@lab}%
    \immediate\write\@answerfile{% answer label commands
     {}}% begdef
  {\end{list}% enddef
   \hrule height \ruleht
   \vskip0pt plus .2\vsize\penalty-250
   \vskip0pt plus-.2\vsize\goodbreak}

   \immediate\write\@answerfile{\ \string\par}
      \setlength{\parsep}{1pt plus 1pt minus 0.5pt}
      \addtolength{\leftmargin}{\labelsep}}}% end of begdef
   \immediate\write\@answerfile{\string\end{description}}}% enddef



   \do\| \obeylines}%
{\obeylines \gdef\copyans#1
   {\ifx '#1%
       \let\next=\endgroup %
    \else \immediate\write\@answerfile{#1}%
       \let\next\copyans %
    \fi %
% Miscellaneous macros
\newcommand{\bang}{\char33} % Exclamation mark in the text
\newcommand{\ith}[2]{$#1^{\hbox{\scriptsize #2}}$}
\newcommand{\displaybreak}{\vskip 11pt plus 1pt minus .5pt}
% PiCTeX definition
\def\pmarrow from #1 #2 to #3 #4{\arrow <3.6mm> [0.2, 0.67] from #1 #2 to #3 #4}

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