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Re: removal of texconfig from Debian packages

On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 10:25:34AM +0900, Norbert Preining wrote:
> Hi you two, and all,
> On Mo, 21 Mai 2012, Julian Gilbey wrote:
> > I would prefer the "wrapper" idea (that is, a replacement script which
> On Di, 22 Mai 2012, Danai SAE-HAN wrote:
> > I agree with Julian: the second option seems like the most fool-proof way.
> additions/corrections/improvements to the following text are welcome:

It's quite long, so I'd suggest a simple script of the form:

echo <<'EOF'
The original texconfig is not shipped on Debian due to the way 
texconfig handled config files. Furthermore it is not necessary
on Debian to use texconfig. 

if [ $1 = '--help' ]
    echo $alternatives
    echo <<'EOF'
To read a list of replacements for the texconfig features on Debian,
run texconfig --help

> -----------------
> The original texconfig is not shipped on Debian due to the way 
> texconfig handled config files. Furthermore it is not necessary
> on Debian to use texconfig. 

Perhaps replace the second sentence with:
Furthermore, all of the texconfig features can be performed in other
ways on a Debian system.

> Following is a list of how to achieve the same things as with
> texconfig, but the Debian way:

I suggest capitalising the first word of each instruction, so that
"touch" is more clearly a command (or explicitly say: "run the

> conf
> 	not needed
> dvipdfm paper
> 	use paperconf
> dvips add PRINTERNAME
> 	touch /etc/texmf/dvips/config/config.PRINTERNAME
> dvips del PRINTERNAME

        For a printer you have added:
           rm /etc/texmf/dvips/config/config.PRINTERNAME
        You should not remove printers that you
        haven't created, or that are shipped by Debian

> dvips mode
> 	not supported
> dvips [-P PRINTER] mode MODE
> dvips [-P PRINTER] offset x-OFFSET,y-OFFSET
> dvips [-P PRINTER] printcmd CMD
> 	make a copy of /usr/share/texlive/texmf/dvips/config/config.PRINTER
> 	in /etc/texmf/dvips/config/ and edit the file
> 	(but that should not be necessary)

Perhaps refer to the info documentation?

> faq
> 	not needed
> font vardir DIR, font ro, font rw
> 	please read section 2.5, font caching, in the TeX-on-Debian 
> 	documentation in /usr/share/doc/tex-common/.
> formats
> hyphen FORMAT
> 	Should not be used on Debian, see TeX-on-Debian, update-fmtutil 
> 	for details.
> init [format]
> 	Run
> 		fmtutil-sys --all
> 	or
> 		fmtutil-sys --byfmt format
> mode-list
> 	not supported
> mode MODE
> 	edit /etc/texmf/web2c/mktex.cnf
> paper [a4|letter]
> pdftex paper [a4|letter]
> xdvi paper PAPER
> 	use paperconf
> rehash
> 	call mktexlsr
> -------------------------------

It seems from this list that some of the texconfig features will be
lost, most notably dvips, mode-list and mode; their effects are to
modify config files that would otherwise have to be modified by hand,
and the latter is more error-prone than using the script.

Perhaps there's an in-between solution: for the functions that are
anti-the-Debian-way (eg paper, pdftex paper, ...), have the warning
message put up followed by exit 1.  For the ones with a simple Debian
equivalent (rehash), just do the Debian equivalent (mktexlsr followed
by whichever options are appropriate), and the ones like mode, just
edit the config files as before.


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