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Bug#640536: texlive-base: [INTL:de] Initial German debconf translation

Frank Küster wrote:
> Uups.  I just tried with DEBIAN_FRONTEND=dialog, and what I get looks
> like this:
>  ┌─────────────────────────────────┤  ├────────────────────────────────┐
>  │                                                                                                                 │ 
>  │ TeX configuration cannot handle the system paper size Monarch                                                   │ 
>  │                                                                                                                 │ 
>  │ Your system-wide paper size is set to Monarch. However, the TeX configuration system cannot handle this paper   │ 
>  │ size for all programs.         
> I assumed that there would be the package name between the ──┤  ├── at
> the top, but it isn't. Which means that after the wording change 

So the Description text isn't appearing anywhere?  If this is the case
then something's wrong that changing the wording won't fix (hopefully
in my understanding of the situation).

>>> -_Description: TeX configuration cannot handle the system paper size ${libpaperPaper}
>>> +_Description: Unmanageable system paper size (${libpaperPaper})
> it is hard for the user to understand what the dialog is talking about -
> they need to read to the second sentence in the second paragraph before
> finding the information that this is about TeX.

It rather depends on whether it's possible to reach this error without
first having tried to configure a nonstandard system-wide default TeX
paper size.  If we know that's the last thing the user did then we can
be relatively confident they won't assume it's (say) CUPS that's
producing this error.
> Doesn't that mean we should reword the english short description again?
> And after adding a mention to TeX somewhere, we'd end up somewhere near
> to "System paper size not manageable by the TeX configuration" (note that
> 'TeX' only would be technically wrong).  Quite near to the initial
> phrase... 

That's a bit long - if we keep the ${libpaperPaper} part people could
end up faced with monster titles like:

 ┌┤System paper size (government-letter) not manageable by the TeX configuration├┐

If we're going to change it I'd be inclined to leave that information
out of the title and slim it right down into something more like:

  _Description: TeX paper size configuration failure

As it happens you could turn that into a grammatical sentence just by
replacing "failure" with "failed", but I wouldn't recommend it.
JBR	with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
	sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package

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