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Re: Pending upploads now?

AFAICT the code should merge the 10texlive-base.cnfpre-edit into
10texlive-base.cnf (the code to delete 10texlive-base.cnfpre-edit is
missing AFAICT), but the merge code doesn't work either.

NO NO NO!!! It should NOT merge the .cnfpre-edit!! It should
not create it at all when updating from an old version!

If you already have the .cnfpre-edit nothing will change!!!

It means, if there is a 10texlive-base.cnf, and it contains
   # The following added lines have been transferred from
   # /etc\/texmf\/fmt.d\/10texlive-base-bin.cnf ...
and removes these lines!

Currently, even if these lines are not present, the cnfpre-edit
is created. The only change is that if the lines are not present
now the package should NOT create the cnfpre-edit file!



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