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Re: [RFC] full triggers

Norbert Preining <preining@logic.at> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I have branched off tex-common's trunk into branches/full-trigger where
> I have implemented triggers for all actions: mktexlsr, fmtutil-sys,
> updmap-sys.
> Cons:
> - mktexlsr is now always called without any tree argument, so even if
>   only a small macro package is installed all texmf trees are scanned
>   again. Formerly we had using dh_installtex that only /var/lib/texmf 
>   and /usr/share/texmf was scanned.

I didn't have time to look at the current trigger code, but IIRC it is
now not a file trigger, but called explicitly. Then, this could be
solved by a flavor: 

- Without additional arguments, dh_installtex activates a trigger which
  calls mktexlsr only for $TEXMFMAIN

- With a flavor "texmfdist", a different trigger is activated which
  calls mktexlsr on $TEXMFDIST

Even without this, I tend to support activating the mktexlsr trigger.

> - if formats are installed, then *all* formats are rebuild, ie 
>   fmtutil-sys --all is called. Formerly we could call fmtutil-sys --all
>   with the argument of the respective .cnf file in /etc/texmf/fmtutil.d

I'm not so sure with this. IIRC, currently formats are only built once
when installing many packages in a row, or upon upgrade. With the
trigger, this is deferred, but doesn't change - and in the worst case,
the upgrade (or more likely installs) are split into different dpkg
runs, and each format but one is rebuilt twice...

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Debian Developer (TeXLive)
VCD Aschaffenburg-Miltenberg, ADFC Miltenberg
B90/Grüne KV Miltenberg

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