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Re: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE build tex-common and texlive

On Fr, 27 Mär 2009, Jan Hauke Rahm wrote:
> > - try to build tex-common from current repository (I just made some
> >   fixes to actually install the new script)
> Builds fine.

Good to know.

> > - rebuild texlive packages with the new tex-common
> You mean the packages currently in sid?

Yes, but:
- get them
- change the version number in changelog to something a bit higher,
  add 1 to the debian release, and then ~1 or so.
- (not needed if you are sure you have installed tex-common 1.18)
  bump debian/config build-dep on tex-common to 1.18
- call dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -rfakeroot -b

> > - test
> Can you be a little more specific? I can try to install and purge them
> if you want me to but is that enough? (I don't know how to reproduce
> #520410)

Then do:
- put all the debs into one directory, say $HOME/pool
- put tex-common 1.18 deb there, too
- cd $HOME
- call build-infra from texlive-new/trunk/scripts/build-infra with
	.../build-infra -p . -nosign pool
  that generates the necessary release etc files
- log into a chroot
- copy the pool directory somewhere there, say ...chroot.../tmp/pool
- add in the chroot
	deb file:/tmp/ pool/
  to /etc/apt/sources.list
- call aptitude update

Now do some tests:
- aptitude install texlive-lang-de
  does latex after this have the de hyphenpatterns
- aptitude purge ~texlive tex-common
- aptitude install texlive-fonts-recommended
  are the font maps generated AND the updmap.cfg is complete?
- after having installed texlive-fonts-recommended, call aptitude
  install texlive-fonts-extra and see if the font maps are properly
- ........

Hope that helps as explanation ...

Best wishes


Dr. Norbert Preining <preining@logic.at>        Vienna University of Technology
Debian Developer <preining@debian.org>                         Debian TeX Group
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