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Re: trigger question for tex-common

On Fr, 27 Mär 2009, Norbert Preining wrote:
> > If the sysadmin calls update-foobar manually, then dpkg-trigger won't
> > be effective, because dpkg-trigger just schedules work to be done
> > later by dpkg before dpkg exits.  If dpkg isn't running, the work will
> > be deferred indefinitely.  The best answer to this is to have two
> So that is already fine, or? So if root is calling
> 	update-updmap
> and that script calls
> 	dpkg-trigger ...
> *nothing* happens even when calling
> 	dpkg --configure -a
> afterwards?
> > different scripts or two different invocations: one for the postinst,
> > which does dpkg-trigger, and one for sysadmins, which actually does
> > the work.  The former invokes the latter via the triggers mechanism,
> Hmm, I don't want to add another script calling another script. I think
> that should be handled all by update-* scripts itself. Especially, since
> all our update-* scripts are in fact only one script where some initial
> settings differ.

Ok, I did it that way as you suggested. The dh_installtex now inserts
	update-texmf-config language
	update-texmf-config updmap
into the postinst script. That in turn (installed into /usr/sbin) simply
	dpkg-trigger texmf-language
	dpkg-trigger texmf-updmap
and not does anything else. The point here is that the postinst/trigger
action of tex-common will call update-* anyway.

That way calls from root to update-* work as before, and only the
maintainer scripts will call the update-texmf-config script.

Now if I only could test that out ...

Best wishes


Dr. Norbert Preining <preining@logic.at>        Vienna University of Technology
Debian Developer <preining@debian.org>                         Debian TeX Group
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