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Re: Map or MixedMap?

Norbert Preining wrote:

Map if you *only* have type1 fonts

MixedMap if you have metafont source AND type1 fonts.

- MixedMap cmtext-bsr.map because there are metafont sources for the
  fonts in addition to type1 fonts
- Map utopia.map because there is only type1 utopia

Thank you for your reply.

I have two questions:

1. How do I recognize the extensions for these files?

I think that Type 1 fonts have a .pfa or a .pfb extension and that Metafont files have a .mf extension. But I also have the lm fonts where the directory


contains files with extensions .mp, .mpg. .mph, and .mpl.

I am unsure what to do with these.

2. For self-installed fonts, is checking the directory


sufficient, or do I need to check the other sub-directories in

/usr/local/share/texmf/fonts/ ?

Thank you once more for your very helpful reply.

19 May 07

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