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Re: TeX task force

Hi Julian!

On Die, 14 Feb 2006, Julian Gilbey wrote:
> > What space? We would merge the stuff and remove the old projects, do I
> > miss something here?
> Would we want to lose the history of the current trees for the time
> being?  I don't know how easy it is to merge subversion repositories -
> I've never tried to do so.

svn move URL URL
should move the whole stuff including the history, at least I do
understand it that way. So this shouldn't be a problem.

> > If you speak about commit-email.pl and post-commit, I would have a
> > question!
> post-commit has just a few small tweaks to send stuff to different
> lists (one with full diffs, the other with only the summaries).
> The pkg-tetex's commit-email.pl (in /svn/pkg-tetex/hooks on
> svn.debian.org) is a patched version of the subversion distribution's
> version; see bug#217133.

Do you have an idea how to do the following: in pkg-texlive I use the 
	-m regexp -s .... dest1 dest2 \
	-m regext -s .... dest3 dest4
quite a lot. Every project (4) adds its name to the subject so one can
easily filter.

Now I want a test wether up to now there was no match. The problem is
that if I do
	-m . -s ... dest5
then dest5 gets *all* emails even if it was already sent to one of the
first destinations. 

- Can one create a regexp that doesn't match the first projects, or
- can one patch the commit-email.pl script to exit with a different
  exit code if no email was sent, i.e. no regexp has matched.

> One list makes sense: we should be working together, and it is likely
> that many issues will affect both versions equally.
> The only question is do we want to go to the hassle of renaming the
> list from debian-tetex-maint to debian-tex-maint?

This is the real question, and I don't have any idea what the
implications are ... but others are welcome to enlighten me!

Best wishes


Dr. Norbert Preining <preining AT logic DOT at>             Università di Siena
gpg DSA: 0x09C5B094      fp: 14DF 2E6C 0307 BE6D AD76  A9C0 D2BF 4AA3 09C5 B094
The main reception foyer was almost empty but Ford
nevertheless weaved his way through it.
                 --- Ford making his way out of Milliways whilst under the
                 --- influence of enough alchol to make a rhino sing.
                 --- Douglas Adams, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

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