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Re: Braindump: Can we get rid of the font-cache-group question?

Norbert Preining <preining@logic.at> wrote:

> Hi Ralf!
> On Die, 23 Mai 2006, Ralf Stubner wrote:
>> I could imagine tex-common installing an appropriate mktex.cnf file. I
>> am not sure what the best location would be, though.
> True, this should be no problem and override the mktex.cnf in
> tetex/texlive.

... and drop mktex.cnf from later versions of tetex/texlive.

>> > Whatabout changing VARTEXFONTS or whatever to /tmp/texfonts? /tmp should
>> > be always writable for everyone. Only problem is what happens if /tmp is
>> > cleaned ...
>> Cached font data would go away and would have to be recreated the next
>> time a font is used. Not really nice for people who use the EC fonts.
> Therefor we have world-writeable /var/cache/fonts. If the answer to this
> is no, then you loose the caching of fonts, but what would one user
> expect?

I think we should try to find a solution where font cache data do not
usually disappear regularly.  Either a per-user setup in $HOME, or a
system-wide setup in /var/cache/fonts.  /tmp should only be a last

>> That would be a possibility for my second proposal, though. If TEXMFVAR
>> is not writable, which should only happen for buildds etc, VARTEXFONTS
>> is used. If that is set to /tmp/texfonts, no issues with additional
>> created files in the current directory would occur. 

Okay, that sounds sensible.

>> But old cached font
>> data would still be lost on normal user machines.

But only on machines where TEXMFVAR is not writable, which doesn't sound
very probable.  Therefore, I think this is not an issue.

> We put a mktex.cnf into /etc/texmf and there is only one question with
> three options:
> 	. set VARTEXFONTS to /tmp/texfonts
> 	. set VARTEXFONTS to /var/cache/fonts world writeable
> 	. leave everything alone
> The logic would be:
> /var/cache/fonts is with normal permissions in tex-common (nothing
> fancy)
> * new install:
> 	VARTEXFONTS = /tmp/texfonts
> 		do nothing
> 	VARTEXFONTS = /var/cache/fonts
> 		chmod ugo+rw /var/cache/fonts
> 	leave alone
> 		well do nothing, if it breaks, bad ...
> 		I would put VARTEXFONTS=/var/cache/fonts into
> 		mktex.cnf in this case
> * upgrade
> 	ignore all settings currently saved/asked
> 	check for /etc/texmf/mktex.cnf

Shouldn't that be `kpsewhich --format="don't remember" mktex.cnf`?

> 	read the value
> 	propose a answer according to it
> 		- if VTF=/tmp/texfonts	variant 1
> 		- if VTF=/var/cache/fonts AND worldwriteable: variant 2
> 		- if anything else: variant 3
> Comments

Couldn't we do it *without*any* questions?

- /var/cache/fonts exists, with standard permissions (0755)
- mktex.cnf is a conffile, with 


- NEWS.Debian and README.Debian instruct how to set up a system-wide
  VARTEXFONTS directory in /var/cache/fonts or elsewhere

* new install:

  Fonts are cached in TEXMFVAR, except on strange setups where it is not
  writable.  For single-user machines, this has functionality as good as
  caching in /var/cache/fonts.  For multi-user machines, people can read
  in README.Debian how to centralize the font cache

* upgrade:

  Fonts in /var/cache/fonts are lost (this is even better than
  README.Debian, people will simply notice it...) unless the admin
  changes settings.

I think this is more in line with Ralf's original proposal.  And it
follows the KISS principle, and doesn't introduce any behavior not in
the upstream distribution.

Regards, Frank

Frank Küster
Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Protein Folding @ Inst. f. Biochemie, Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer (teTeX)

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