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Re: Braindump: Can we get rid of the font-cache-group question?

On Tue, May 23, 2006 at 01:19 +0200, Norbert Preining wrote:
> There is still another problem here: tex-common does not care for
> MT_FEATURES as it is in a different package (tetex-base,
> texlive-whatever). So those packages would have to change their setting
> depending on debconf questions in tex-common.

I could imagine tex-common installing an appropriate mktex.cnf file. I
am not sure what the best location would be, though.
> Whatabout changing VARTEXFONTS or whatever to /tmp/texfonts? /tmp should
> be always writable for everyone. Only problem is what happens if /tmp is
> cleaned ...

Cached font data would go away and would have to be recreated the next
time a font is used. Not really nice for people who use the EC fonts.
That would be a possibility for my second proposal, though. If TEXMFVAR
is not writable, which should only happen for buildds etc, VARTEXFONTS
is used. If that is set to /tmp/texfonts, no issues with additional
created files in the current directory would occur. But old cached font
data would still be lost on normal user machines.


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