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Re: More or less offline

Norbert Preining <preining@logic.at> wrote:

>> Firstly, there's many missing man pages. These really should be written.
>> If the program has a --help and a --version commandline option, you can
>> simply use help2man to generate these. Log attached.

As far as teTeX has these binaries, we don't have manpages, either.
We're happy to get them this way ;-).  otangle(1) is a symlink to
tangle(1) in teTeX; I don't know whether this is appropriate.

> W: texlive-base-bin: binary-without-manpage altpdfaleph
> W: texlive-base-bin: binary-without-manpage altpdfcont-en
> W: texlive-base-bin: binary-without-manpage altpdfcont-nl
> W: texlive-base-bin: binary-without-manpage altpdfetex
> W: texlive-base-bin: binary-without-manpage altpdflambda
> W: texlive-base-bin: binary-without-manpage altpdflatex
> W: texlive-base-bin: binary-without-manpage altpdfomega
> W: texlive-base-bin: binary-without-manpage altpdftex

What are these alt* binaries?  Can't they just be symlinked from the
main binaries?

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Protein Folding @ Inst. f. Biochemie, Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer (teTeX)

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