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Bug#364505: dvips: the -T options doesn't always act as asked

Package: tetex-bin
Version: 3.0-16
Severity: normal

  Hello !

  I work with a publishing house, and they use dvips to produce postscript versions of their books. 
They did find recently that sometimes, providing a paper size with the -T option doesn't produce the 
exact size asked.

  For instance, the option -T17cm,25cm does actually produces something way closer to -T17.6cm,25cm. 
This is coming directly from the following code in texk/dvipsk/output.c (findpapersize, around line 

         for (ps=papsizes; ps; ps = ps->next) {
            if (indelta(ps->xsize-hpapersize) &&
                indelta(ps->ysize-vpapersize)) {
               landscape = 0 ;
               break ;

  Commenting out the break does solve the problem. Even though I can understand that it is comfortable 
to specify an approximate paper size and having it automatically stick to the closest predefined size 
available, it is way better to use it's name, and not to mess the things for people who really need 
precise paper size, such as publishers. 

  Here is what I propose:

  * unless this feature has some important reasons to be, could it simply be removed ? (it wasn't 
    present, as far as I know, in TeTex 2 series) 
  * in any other case, would it be possible to provide a switch to turn it on or off at will ?

  Thanks for considering this report !

	Vincent Fourmond

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