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Hi all!

I want to start a short discussion, or better hope to find some answers,
concerning non-free docs:

. Why is fontinstallationguide in tetex-doc-nonfree? In TeX live there 
  is a source code which is GFDL/Debian [1]. Maybe it is not the 
  exact source code? Then it would be better to compile this source code
  and include the output, or?

. Same with l2kurz.tex and l2tabuen.tex, both are GFDL/Debian and
  sources are in TeX live

Finally, I have created a texlive-doc-nonfree containing the context
mreadme.pdf, minstall.pdf, and context.rme, more to come.

Now one idea: What about one tex-doc-nonfree package which collects all
this stuff, and do not duplicate everything. It will contain probalby
more than it was contained in the tetex, as we will find quite some
things in texlive, too, but for a start ...

[1] I will call GFDL/Debian when a doc is GFDL without invariant
sections, no front-cover and no back-cover. So acceptable for inclusion
in Debian main.

Best wishes


Dr. Norbert Preining <preining AT logic DOT at>             Università di Siena
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You're bound to be unhappy if you optimize everything.
 			--- Donald E. Knuth

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