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Bug#321094: solved, but not understood

Christoph Bier <christoph.bier@web.de> wrote:

>> Can we repeat the same procedure (looking for the map file, looking for
>> the actual font files) for the first line that is missing in the other
>> file, pdftex.map in /var/lib/texmf/...?
> First missing line is
> bbdb8r BodoniBT-Bold "TeXBase1Encoding ReEncodeFont" <8r.enc <bbdb8a.pfb
> pfb: ~/texmf/fonts/type1/bitstrea/bodoni/bbdb8a.pfb
> tfm: ~/texmf/fonts/tfm/bitstrea/bodoni/
> fd: ~/texmf/tex/latex/misc/
> But when I started fiddling about getting my fonts to work with
> teTeX 3.0 those files resided in $TEXMFMAIN---and they were not
> written to the /var/lib variant of pdftex.map.

And what and where is the map file for Bodoni?

> What are we looking for now? If I had called updmap-sys as root
> everything should have worked, isn't it (I still did not for not
> falsifying anything)? 

The point is that the maintainer scripts do call updmap-sys as root.
With the map file information in TEXMFMAIN (actually, /etc/texmf), this
should have had the result that

- user chris can use all fonts without problems

- user foo gets TeX errors because the fd and tfm files are not found,
  and does not even get to the point where dvips or pdftex want to look
  at the map files (which would contain entries for these fonts, but the
  pfb files wouldn't be available).

> You thought Debian's updmap would call
> updmap-sys but it didn't. Is that not the solution of it all?

In an ideal world, all fonts that were available in teTeX-2.0.2 should
also be available in 3.0, and the maintainer scripts should do
everything for that.  Unless the user had a users-specific setup even in
2.0.2, but strictly speaking you didn't have a user-specific setup,
since the configuration files were all in TEXMFMAIN.

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Inst. f. Biochemie der Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer

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