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Bug#321094: tetex-bin: Usage of some fonts fails

Frank Küster schrieb am 05.08.2005 10:32:

> Christoph Bier <christoph.bier@web.de> wrote:
>>Sure. What do you exactly need to know? pfb, map, tfm, enc ... Here
>>are the pfb-files:
>>chris@lotus:~/texmf/fonts/type1/adobe/MinionPro$ ls
>>MinionPro-BoldItLCDFJ.pfb  MinionPro-Bold.pfb
>>MinionPro-BoldIt.pfb       MinionPro-ItLCDFJ.pfb  MinionPro-Regular.pfb
>>MinionPro-BoldLCDFJ.pfb    MinionPro-It.pfb
>>chris@lotus:~/texmf/fonts/type1/bitstrea/frutiger$ ls
>>bfrb8a.pfb   bfrc8a.pfb   bfrl8a.pfb   bfrr8a.pfb
>>bfrbi8a.pfb  bfrci8a.pfb  bfrli8a.pfb  bfrri8a.pfb
>>>- The Frutiger File uses bfrr8a.pfb from
>>>  Do you have an idea which pfb file the MinionPro document should use?
>>>  It doesn't even look for one.  To help us find out, please send us the
>>>  file MinionPro.map (kpsewhich --format=map MinionPro.map).
>>It's attached.
> Sorry, I'm helpless.


> You seem to have some stuff in HOMETEXMF, but much
> of the configuration files in /etc/texmf.  This might cause some
> confusion.

This was necessary for teTeX 2 because it did not search for map and
enc files in HOMETEXMF. Might this really confuse teTeX 3.0 now? I
always installed the font files according to Walter's instructions
for teTeX 2. And now some work, some don't ...

> What is actually the output of 
> kpsewhich --progname=pdflatex pdftex.map


> is it in HOMETEXMF, and is it the right one?

Sorry, I don't know if this is the right one. How can I figure out
which one is the right one? There is another one in
/root/.texmf-var/fonts/map/pdftex/updmap/pdftex.map. It's quite
confusing for me. I was really happy to have all my fonts working
and I do not understand why it does not work anymore. To have
working fonts again (at least on one machine) I made a subtle
decision yesterday: I made a backup of my laptop (also running
Sarge) and installed Ubuntu Hoary. Now I'm going to install teTeX
3.0 by hand and then I will install all of my fonts there again. So
we still can use my desktop to find the cause for the problems and I
can compile my LaTeX files on my laptop (at the latest tonight, I
hope) ...

Best regards,
+++ Typografie-Regeln: http://www.zvisionwelt.de/typokurz.pdf (1.4)

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