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Bug#321094: tetex-bin: Usage of some fonts fails

PreScriptum: Could it be that the mail I am answering to also didn't
make it to the list, or did I just miss it?

Christoph Bier <christoph.bier@web.de> wrote:

> Frank Küster schrieb am 03.08.2005 14:39:
>  > As I wrote in my private mail, please upgrade tex-common to version
>> 0.5.  If the problem persists, please send us:
> I did so (as I wrote in my private answer :-)) but it did not help.
>> /var/lib/texmf/fonts/map/pdftex/updmap/pdftex.map
>> and the file font-test.debug after
>> KPATHSEA_DEBUG=122 pdflatex font-test.tex 2> font-test.debug
> They are attached. I also attach another debug file where Frutiger
> was used (which works). I don't know if this helps.

Thank you.  It's hard to go through these debug logs, especially since I
don't know how to get mine word-wrapped as yours is.  Well, the first
thing that I found is that at the point where a file using lmodern looks
for the encoding file, your Minion Pro file first looks for 


and since that seems to fail, it starts with mktexpk.  

Comparing the two files you sent should, in principle, be easier.
However, it's hard since one uses way more style files.  Can't you just
use two minimal files, one loading MinionPro.sty, and one bfrutiger.sty,
repeat the procedure and send the files again?

And can you please keep the list in the Cc, in case the mail again isn't
delivered there automatically (there's a bug in the BTS...)

Thank you so far, Frank
Frank Küster
Inst. f. Biochemie der Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer

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