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Re: Bug#320944: Things to improve on pts-tetex-cm-super


>1. In postinst you have code to make the package installing on teTeX
>1.0.7. sarge has 2.0.2 and etch will have 3.0.x. Hence I don't think
>it does make sense to keep that code. The postrm script is
>incompatible to the teTeX packages from woody anyway.
That's true. When I start building the package

Peter ask me to keep compatibility with woody. Yet, now that sarge is out, this may be useless.

>  1. Simply remove that /usr/bin/t1c2pfb and reupload with arch. all.
>     The postinst script will care and call /usr/bin/t1c2pfb.pl if
>     t1c2pfb is not present.
>If that is not possible due to perfomance issues (I assume t1c2pfb
>and t1c2pfb.pl to be functionally equal.):
I just tried that tonight, and it is MUCH slower. It take about 5 min on
my machine (AMD 3200+) to install the fonts. I find it too long.
I think it is preferable to split the package in two, and provide the C
utilities. (your point 2)
Anyway, if you want to have a look, I have an unofficial, not fully
tested version 0.3.3-7 here:



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