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license of suet14.mf, schwell.mf, su-*.mf (was: License of pst-osci?)

frank@kuesterei.ch (Frank Küster) schrieb:

> pst-osci
> doesn't have any legal stuff that would allow distributing it.

Similar thing with all files in fonts/source/public/gothic that are not
by Yannis. Or maybe the cmfrak stuff by D. Taupin has a license
statement somewhere; but for the files in the subject, made by
B. Ludewig, or not indicating an author, I don't know of a license
statement. suet14.mf was removed by Debian maintainers in ancient times,
this is why I found out at all, but I don't know which discussions were
done back then.

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Inst. f. Biochemie der Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer

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