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Bug#289848: tetex-bin: pdflatex generates truncated seminar slides

Heiko Oberdiek <oberdiek@uni-freiburg.de> wrote:

> I would not use and I am not using pdfTeX with seminar, too many problems.

Do you mean this in the sense that we should not even support users who
still do it, and not put anything for pdfTeX in the conffile?

> Also the problem is not entirely clear to me, you mean the setting
> of the /Rotate entry in the page attributes?

Well, look at the following minimal example:


% \input seminar.bug
% \input seminar.bg2


\centerline{Slide Test}

(commenting in the \input's does not change it). With latex-dvips-ps2pdf
you get a landscape slide that is displayed as landscape by xpdf,
acroread, etc. (I think there is still some gv bug). With the same file
and pdflatex, you get a landscape slide that is displayed on a portrait
sheet by the viewers, i.e. there's empty space at the bottom, while the
rigth third is truncated.

> Then the token register \pdfpagesattr
>   \pdfpagesattr{/Rotate 90}
> could be used for pdfTeX.


% \input seminar.bug
% \input seminar.bg2

\pdfpagesattr{/Rotate 90}


\centerline{Slide Test}

gives the same truncated page, but rotated to the right. If I put the
command within the slide environment, nothing changes in acroread, and
xpdf makes funny things.

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Inst. f. Biochemie der Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer

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