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Bug#289848: tetex-bin: pdflatex generates truncated seminar slides

On 2005-01-12 13:56:36 +0100, Frank Küster wrote:
> On my system, I get truncated pdf and ps files even with dvips and
> ps2pdf, I cannot reproduce the success you have. So perhaps there is
> some local configuration in /etc/texmf/dvips/config.ps?

No, but I've just seen that I had a seminar.con file in my personal
texinputs directory. I now remember that I had a discussion about
that in June 2004. I copied this file from the Debian distribution
for non-Debian systems. This file contains:


Can't pdflatex use that? If not, perhaps it could be modified to take
pdflatex into account (I assume this is possible, using code similar
to hyperref.sty or geometry.sty).

The file is now /etc/texmf/latex/seminar.con from the tetex-extra
package. So, if you try on a Debian machine, you should get the same
behavior as me.

Since the behavior with dvips seems to be due to seminar.con, I think
the bug should be reassigned to tetex-extra (possibly as wishlist).

> This could be a nice feature, yes. However, if I were the maintainer
> of seminar, I would not like to take code out of hyperref or
> geometry. This would duplicate maintainance efforts, I would have to
> follow bug reports for hyperref and apply the fixes (or feature
> enhancements) to seminar, too. I'd rather recommend to use hyperref.
> Well, there's things in between, like always loading hyperref (which
> not everybody will want) or loading hyperref when the user option
> "papersize" is given or something similar.

I think that always loading hyperref from seminar.con (if possible...)
would be nice and that most users would like it. As this is a config
file, I suppose that it could still be changed by individual users if
need be.

> Would you be willing to make this suggestion to the seminar developer?

Well, for consistency with latex + dvips (and more flexibility), it
should be in seminar.con, and this file is Debian-specific.

What do you think about reassigning the bug to tetex-extra?

Vincent Lefèvre <vincent@vinc17.org> - Web: <http://www.vinc17.org/>
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Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / SPACES project at LORIA

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