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move to subversion (was: Hello again)

Julian Gilbey <jdg@polya.uklinux.net> wrote:

> Suggestion: given the complexity of the tetex packages, I propose that
> we move to a Subversion repository. 

I agree.  I cannot say anything about subversion vs. arch vs. whatever,
but a move to something more modern than cvs is surely a good thing.

> It will eat more disk space, I'm
> afraid, on developers' machines,

Fortunately, I have lots of GB of free space now...

> Given that the CVS repository is also in a bit of a mess, this is a
> very good opportunity to make such a change.

Yes, that's a good argument, too.

Can you point me to any good howto "subversion for former cvs users"?

I guess we would start the svn repository completely from scratch,
right?  We should probably have a copy of the sarge version in it, but
then, for tetex-base, there's the problem of the directory move.  I
guess there isn't a "nice" solution for this? 

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Inst. f. Biochemie der Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer

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