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Bug#247849: Error in tetex-extra/Question.pm (was: Bug#247849: dpkg segfault and internal debconf error with ucf-using package)

Dear Rodrigo,

in the meantime we found out that the error you reported is probably
caused by a corrupted debconf database. Could you please test this?

Benoît Sibaud <benoit.sibaud@wanadoo.fr> wrote:

>> > This is typically due to a corrupted debconf templates database. I'd
>> > suggest running /usr/share/debconf/fix_db.pl

Could you please also do this, with the original Question.pm, of course?

>> Benoit, could you please check this?
> That solved the problem. tetex-extra has been installed successfully.
> Thanks.

Fine for you. Joey, any idea _how_ the database could be get corrupted?
Do you think we can close the bug, or should we investigate the cause?

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster, Biozentrum der Univ. Basel
Abt. Biophysikalische Chemie

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