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Bug#261751: tetex-extra: contains older version of colortbl.sty

Holger von Rhein <lortas@freenet.de> wrote:

>>install recent version in /usr/share? Install that stuff in
>>/usr/local/share or /opt/share?
> No, location of colortbl should stay /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/carlisle
> Just the source could be an other deb-package.

This will lead to a chaos, unless one develops the two packages in close
cooperation, to make sure that always upgrades won't in fact downgrade
that file. Replacing files in an "foreign" package is a difficult thing.

> On Thu, Aug 26, 2004 at 12:20:54AM +0200, Hilmar Preusse wrote:
>>> It is not a good idea to provide 2 year old software, while there
>>> is a newer version.
>>There is no newer teTeX release until now.
> I was not talking of teTeX, i just talk about a single ctan package.

But _we_ are the maintainers of teTeX.

>>> But at all, what is so hard to replase a few files to be up-to-date
>>> with colortbl?
>>If we do that the next guy comes around the corner and asks us, why
>>we don't update e.g. KOMA.
> As long there are debian users, there always will be a next guy.
> And why not be nice to users, if it is just a small favor.

It's simply too much work for us. Go ahead.

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster, Biozentrum der Univ. Basel
Abt. Biophysikalische Chemie

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