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Bug#261751: tetex-extra: contains older version of colortbl.sty

Holger von Rhein <lortas@freenet.de> schrieb:

> Hi,
> Frank Küster <frank@debian.org> wrote:
>>and cannot do the additional work of updating
>>individual packages from CTAN. Instead, we wait for a new upstream
>>release of teTeX.
> Thats the wrong intention.
> If you are saying that some CTAN packages aren't the core of tetex-extra
> and you didn't want any additional work for updating those.
> Be consistent and leave it.
> Split tetex-extra in tetex-extra and something like tetex-ctan.
> And let do the tetex-ctan maintainer the "additional work".

We have talked about things like that yet, and I was thinking (or did
somebody else suggest it?) to use /usr/share/site-texmf/ for packages
that want to install TeX input files that should "shadow" tetex-base's
or tetex-extra's versions.

You are wellcome to create and maintain such a package. Go ahead. If you
are not yet a Debian Developer, I will be happy to sponsor your upload.

> It is not a good idea to provide 2 year old software, while there is
> a newer version.

It is a good idea to provide stable software in such a manner that we
can manage it. We, the group currently working on Debian's teTeX
packages, could not manage to keep track of CTAN.

> But at all, what is so hard to replase a few files to be up-to-date
> with colortbl?

Everybody will come and ask this question, just that "colortbl" will be
replaced by some random package from CTAN.

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster, Biozentrum der Univ. Basel
Abt. Biophysikalische Chemie

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