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Bug#232725: tetex-bin: Got the same error with 2.0.2-8 and 2.0.2-9

Am Dienstag, 9. März 2004 14:23 schrieb Frank Küster:
> Lars Brueckner <brueckner@ito.tu-darmstadt.de> schrieb:
> > Am Freitag, 5. März 2004 19:58 schrieb Frank Küster:
> >> Lars Brueckner <brueckner@ito.tu-darmstadt.de> schrieb:
> >> > Am Freitag, 5. März 2004 12:53 schrieb Frank Küster:
> > The link target does not exist (creating an empty file was the
> > work-around). However, I think it was my fault. I had some troubles with
> > X and I may have corrupted the whole /etc/X11/ during fixing this.
> This might well be, but it isn't your fault that this stops the whole
> installation.
> > So I recreated the empty /etc/X11/app-defaults/XDvi to complete the
> > installation.
> >
> > Maybe initex could be modified to give a clear error message and
> > fail/complete it's task more gracefully.
> It's the texconfig script that fails, and it _has_ a check and a clear
> error message. It seems we are missing a dependency on a dialog
> program. Could you please provide the output of
> debconf-show debconf
> dpkg -l dialog whiptail

murphy:/tmp# debconf-show debconf
* debconf/priority: low
* debconf/frontend: Dialog
murphy:/tmp# dpkg -l dialog whiptail
| Status=Nicht/Installiert/Config/U=Entpackt/Fehlgeschl. Konf./Halb install.
|/ Fehler?=(keiner)/Halten/R=Neuinst. notw/X=beides (Status, Fehler: GROß=schlecht)
||/ Name           Version        Beschreibung
ii  dialog         0.9b-20040301- Displays user-friendly dialog boxes from she
ii  whiptail       0.51.4-23      Displays user-friendly dialog boxes from she

Coming back to the pstree from my original report:
 |   |   |       `-apt-get,1511 upgrade
  |   |   |           `-dpkg,2340 --configure debconf debconf-i18n libkpathsea3 tetex-bin passwd libdb4.2 libdb4.2-dev cdda2wav cdrecord debconf-utilsgrep-dct
  |   |   |               `-frontend,2513 -w /usr/share/debconf/frontend /var/lib/dpkg/info/tetex-bin.postinst configure 2.0.2-8
  |   |   |                   `-tetex-bin.posti,2559 /var/lib/dpkg/info/tetex-bin.postinst configure 2.0.2-8
  |   |   |                       `-texconfig,2982 /usr/bin/texconfig init
  |   |   |                           `-dialog,3019 --title teTeX\040setup\040utility --msgbox Could\040not\040find\040app-default\040file\040for\040xdvi.\012\012The\040program\040will\040exit\040now. . 23 80

It is actually the dialog program that did not display anything, neither on the console nor when running
inside an xterm.The update process continues (and fails) after pressing enter.


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