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Re: lmodern fonts and sarge

Hilmar Preusse <hille42@web.de> wrote:

> In November of last year we had a short thread "Licenses of tetex and
> its parts" IIRC. There I said, that we shouldn't create another
> package tetex-xxx-nowfree with LaTeX-packages, which will be included
> in next teTeX-release. The reason was, that later we would have to
> add another Conflicts-field to tetex etc. I anybody needs a special
> package. This is what CTAN is good for.

Hmm. You can always install software from source. IMHO, it is easier for
the tetex maintainers to add a package to Conflicts: than for many more
or less beginner LaTeX users to install the various types of files
related to a font family the Debian way (which involves creating himself
a file in /etc/texmf/updmap.d, running update-updmap, mktexlsr and

It's not like every LaTeX user knows perfectly what sty, fd, tfm, pfa,
pfb, afm, pfm, enc and the various types of map files are for (not to
mention mf and pk for Metafont fonts), *and* would not be misled by a
documentation about a slightly different TeX distribution (e.g., teTeX 1
or even teTeX 2 without the Debian update-updmap stuff, and, well... all
the non-teTeX TeX distributions). Did I mention the fact that they
should also know they shouldn't modify files like
/etc/texmf/dvips/psfonts.map even though these are under /etc?

Mmmm... let me recall...

  4. Our Priorities are Our Users and Free Software

Right. :-)


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