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Re: lmodern fonts and sarge

[ Dear All, please stop CCing me... ;-)
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Michael Wiedmann <mw@miwie.in-berlin.de> wrote:

> I'd suggest to contact Thomas Esser, <te at informatik dot
> uni-hannover dot de> and ask him about his plans to include the LM
> fonts in the next tetex release.

Yes, this was considered, but as I explained on:


we need the LM fonts for sarge but cannot wait for a new teTeX
incorporating them and reasonably roll it into unstable before the sarge
release (perhaps it will happen that sarge releases in 6 months, I don't
know! But to make it happen earlier, all maintainers of important
packages must act as according to a faster schedule; otherwise, there
will always be at least one important package that is not ready and
delays the release).


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