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Bug#225687: tetex-bin: LaTeX segfaults when run by auctex on filename with space

Matt Swift <swift@alum.mit.edu> wrote:

>>> On Sun Jan  4 11:08:10 2004 -0500, Frank Küster <frank@kuesterei.ch> wrote:
>     F> - There is a bug in the src-specials implementation that leads to a
>     F>   segfault instead of a TeX error
> This is the bug I intended to describe.
>     F> Both are in principle upstream issues
> How do you know the problem causing the segfault is in upstream code
> rather than in Debian code?

I don't know about all the history of Debian's tetex packages, but as
far as I can see it is like this:

- there are no patches in ./debian/ that patch latex source files
- pdflatex (which is patches a little) also segfaults
- pdfelatex and elatex don't.

Therefore I cannot imagine how this could be Debian specific.

Unfortunately I am not sure to whom this bug should be reported; in the
web2c changelogs there are only two entries regarding source specials,
both from Olaf Weber. However, I guess he hasn't invented them alone,
and it might be that the error also ocurrs on other systems using source

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster, Biozentrum der Univ. Basel
Abt. Biophysikalische Chemie

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