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Bug#95980: black borders on all images

Roland Stigge <stigge@antcom.de> schrieb:

> On Sun, 2004-01-04 at 21:17, Frank Küster wrote:
>> I'm not familiar with latex2html's cropping mechanism. Is there one
>> simple command to just extract the formula and view the wrong
>> borderline? With 
>> dvips -E blatt7.dvi 
> What about
> $ latex2html blatt.7
> ?
> :-)

Not so very funny. If we want to contact the amsmath people about the
bug, we should be very clear and give them short, instructive
examples. As far as I can see, latex2html generates a file images.tex
from the parts that it cannot parse, e.g. the equation* environment. But
there's a very long preamble before that.

I think in order to not annoy the amsmath people, we should minimize
this preamble so that the error can easily be seen. Do you agree that
the following minimal document shows the error, at least with respect to
the vertical line?



    x & y \\ \hline%


As for the horizontal line, I cannot see how this could be influenced by

>> I could not see any problems, viewing with gv-3.5.8-26.1 from woody. 
> Of course not; as I wrote, the bug only uncovers with latex2html.

Since latex2html uses latex to create a ps picture (right?), it must
also show up with plain latex.

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster, Biozentrum der Univ. Basel
Abt. Biophysikalische Chemie

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