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Re: Bug#141086: tetex-bin: Puts files in /usr/local

On Mon, Apr 08, 2002 at 05:19:54PM +0900, Atsuhito Kohda wrote:
> # But, for me, it is the most difficult part to use a sensible
> # CVS commit message...
> It might help all if I cvs commit changelog file in the
> first place so that anyone can add his/her changelog entry.

I suggest the following procedure when you have made any change:

(1) If it is significant to the general world, add an entry in the
    debian/changelog file.
(2) cd to the top directory of the checked-out tetex-* tree (either
    tetex-bin or tetex-base as appropriate)
(3) Then do a cvs commit:
    (a) If you have added an entry to debian/changelog, you can use
        that as the commit message
    (b) If not, use an appropriate message, even really simple, like
        "Fixed a bug in texmf.d handling"
    You can use the -m "text of commit message" option to cvs commit
    to do this.

Note that step (2) means that your cvs commit will check in your
changes to the *whole* of the tree, not just the directory you are
currently working in.

> > Oh, and please remember to always do a "cvs update" on your
> > checked-out tree before starting to make changes; it'll save you
> > headaches later!
> Yes, I have done so everytime.  If unsure, I even download 
> the brandnew tetex-bin and then begin to modify it.

Great!  (And "download" means cvs checkout, I presume.)

> > That reminds me, I have a bug to fix as well.
> I just committed the new tetex-bin so please feel free
> to modify it.


> > One other thing: someone please change the Uploaders: entry in the
> > control files so that they include all of us who are uploading who
> > aren't yet listed (Claire and Atsuhito, I believe that is); that will
> > make your uploads be treated as maintainer uploads rather than NMUs.
> Ah, it is the Uploaders entry which matters.  Okay I will
> do it.  Perhaps we should remove Adrian, shouldn't we?


> And it will be better to list you too, Julian, even if you
> won't upload the package in the near future.

OK!  My primary problem is bandwidth, which makes uploading tetex-bin
rather difficult.

> BTW, I will upload the new tetex-bin about this weekend.




      Julian Gilbey, Dept of Maths, Queen Mary, Univ. of London
              website: http://www.maths.qmul.ac.uk/~jdg/
   Debian GNU/Linux Developer, see: http://people.debian.org/~jdg/
     Visit http://www.thehungersite.com/ to help feed the hungry

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