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Bug#108588: Reverse search

> ...
> By the way, I can not got what you wanted to say with
> > The main problem is that *dvi  authors say symmetricaly that Unix TeX
> > engines did not includes \srcspecials !
> Please someone clarify the above sentence for me.

If xdvi (or kdvi or whatever) maintainers wait for TeX-engine maintainers and 
vise versa, \srcspecial will not appear at all... :-)

\srcspecials can be inserted into DVI files by a (La)TeX package or directly 
by the TeX engine (prefered).  For a minimal support :
 - patch the TeX engine (adding an optionnal insertion of \srcspecials)
 - patch xdvi (to recognize and use \srcspecials)
 - patch dvips (to ignore \srcspecials)
 - add minimal support for AUCTeX/Emacs init files



Djèlil Chafaï - http://www.lsp.ups-tlse.fr/Chafai/

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