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Re: Can I count on Python 2 in bullseye?


Em [2021-01-14 qui 10:48:07-0300], Jorge P. de Morais Neto escreveu:

> Are there plans to remove the basic Python 2 packages from bullseye?  I
> want Python 2 because I use the Python 2 version of OfflineIMAP (which I
> installed outside apt).  There is a Python 3 port, but it is very recent
> and I do not know if it has been well tested.

Niels Thykier has politely explained me (in private, though) that this
list is not meant for support questions.  It is meant for test results
from installation and upgrades.

I believe, however, that the list description on
<https://lists.debian.org/devel.html> could be updated.  It currently
says just "Testing for the next release".  I suggest it should read
"Testing for the next release---test results from installation and

I will send this suggestion to <mailto:listmaster@lists.debian.org>.


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