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Re: Can I count on Python 2 in bullseye?

Le jeudi 14 janvier 2021, 14:48:07 CET Jorge P. de Morais Neto a écrit :
> Hi.

Dear Jorge,

> Are there plans to remove the basic Python 2 packages from bullseye?  I
> want Python 2 because I use the Python 2 version of OfflineIMAP (which I
> installed outside apt).  There is a Python 3 port, but it is very recent
> and I do not know if it has been well tested.

Disclaimer: I’m not the maintainer so this is just the response of a random DD 
hanging around.

Python 2 has been removed from Bullseye intentionally a couple of weeks/months 
ago, and won’t be reintroduced as Python 2 maintenance has stopped upstream.

The ship for Python 3 has sailed long ago so if you need to depend on Python 
2-only code you will need to stay on Buster. And looking forward you should 
probably work with the upstream projects you depend on to ensure they have 
Python 3 compatible versions available.

Happy hacking !

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