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Re: More on: Cannot load GNOME under Sarge

On Fri, Jan 16, 2004 at 03:37:40AM -0500, Jim Seymour wrote:
> When I first installed Debian I discovered I was missing a needed 
> package for GNOME. Although that never fixed the problem I was poking 
> around in the GNOME packages again and found out I supposedly do not 
> have gnome-control-center installed. An apt-get install 
> gnome-control-center gave an ominous message about removing gnome-core.

That's fine. The old gnome-core has been replaced by other packages.
It's now a metapackage (not in testing yet, but should be soon), and the
conflict is only against versions of gnome-core older than the

If all that's Greek, sorry, I'm having trouble explaining it more
plainly at the moment - but the upshot is that you can safely perform
this operation if you're running testing.


Colin Watson                                  [cjwatson@flatline.org.uk]

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