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Bug#172266: CD install, can't find module natsemi

tor 2003-03-06 klockan 10.26 skrev taylor steil:
> i had the same problem, as well as COUNTLESS others.
> 1) had to insmod natsemi.o
> 2) the menu options for 'detect hard drives and load modules for
> them', 'partion a hard drive', 'create filesystems', and 'mount a
> partition' all returned errors. i had to do all the above by hand
> 3) once i got a linux partition mounted i couldn't advance. i could
> not install the base system or do anything else.
> i ended up downloading a 2.X install cd and using that...
> what is going on with these new install CDs?

A new installer is being developed and is currently in alpha. The
netinst CDs are there for easy testing of the *installer* not to use for
installing "production" machines.

If you want to help us with the development, test these CDs from time to
time and give us feedback. If you want to install Debian, use the woody
CDs, there are netinst CDs for woody too, I think.


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