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Re: Installing Woody (actually Sid): Report

> Built my own 2.4 kernel from 2.4.0-1.  Wouldn't compile AGP Rage DRI
> (missing variable decls in source?).

Maybe you didn't enable a dependent option?

> Severe difficulties with DHCP.  Installed DHCP client; ran
> pcnetconfigure; answered questions.  dhclient-2.0pl5-3 totally quiet and
> does not write resolve.conf; just pauses slightly and then returns.

Did you check the log file?  I'm guessing you didn't enable the necessary
kernel options and you'll have a message in /var/log/daemon.log or
/var/log/messages telling you that.

Use the /etc/init.d/dhcp-client script to restart the daemon,
ls -ltr /var/log, and tail the last file.


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