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Installing Woody (actually Sid): Report

On Eric's recommendation, I threw caution to the wind and installed Sid
on a new Dell Latitude (laptop)

No problems at all with X (4.0); just answered the questions (although
they were hard to read because the install pages looked corrupted).
Slight whinge about missing UK xkb files; does not affect operation.

Built my own 2.4 kernel from 2.4.0-1.  Wouldn't compile AGP Rage DRI
(missing variable decls in source?).  Switched it off: lost feature but
have good compact kernel now.  Have not tried devfs nor do I want to,
unless forced by desire to use usb zip drive etc (this may happen in
future, I'm told).

Not tried sound yet, because I want to use CVS ALSA: not downloaded it
either.  because....

Severe difficulties with DHCP.  Installed DHCP client; ran
pcnetconfigure; answered questions.  dhclient-2.0pl5-3 totally quiet and
does not write resolve.conf; just pauses slightly and then returns.
IF works fine with static entry in /etc/network/interfaces.  Must check
tomorrow with sysops to make sure MAC address registered correctly.
interfaces currently had 2 entries, iface eth0 inet dhcp and iface
eth0-static inet static.... both noauto.  Have tried various combos,
incl removing entries; no luck (am told pcmcia utils shold start dhcp
anyway (it is a 3com 575 10/100 PCMCIA card)?  It is told to in
pcmcia/network.opts).  Is this broken with 2.4 kernel?  Must check with
local sysops first, but am suprised at total silence (even in log files)
if dhcp is failing for this reason.  Changed BROADCAST and NETWORK in
/etc/pcmcia/network.opts from 10. addresses to local bcast and network
addresses: no difference (of course)

System sometimes crashes on resume (after API suspend) -- must examine
kernel setup.  Can't reliably repeat fault 8-(

So, a mixed bag.  Some progress though.  Could possibly do with help on
dhcp if MAC seems right in DHCP server... I've used bootp before, and it
was a piece of cake (on potato, long ago, when it was frozen). more news

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