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2.1 upgrade to 2.2

My apologies in advance for the long post... :)

I recently upgraded my modest, home server from 2.1 to frozen.  The reason
I did this was I thought it would be easier to get my Epson 740 working
after the upgrade.  Yesterday, I went back to 2.1 by wiping out 2.2 and
unpacking the original tarball backup I had made after the last 2.1 
updates.  There were several reasons for this.

The server's name is doma and has the following services: ssh (no telnet),
bind, apache, samba, nfs, sendmail, squid and wu-ftp, along with the
other, more standard services like cron, etc.  There are 2 NIC's, one
connected to my DSL and the other to my class C LAN.  IP Masq/ipfwadm is
used, since I never had a reason to upgrade from 2.0.38 to 2.2.x.  This
last part caused the main reason for my going back to 2.2.  I run no XFree

There were no issues during the actual upgrade to 2.2.  When I was
finished, the Win98 box on the LAN (igra) was no longer able to connect to
doma via samba.  I queried debian-user and someone was kind enough to let
me know I needed to upgrade my kernel to 2.2.x, so I did.  Then the ipmasq
broke, because of the upgrade to ipchains.  Having set up ipchains
successfully in the past on this network, I figured I wouldn't have too
big of a problem doing it again.

That's when I discovered that the network-related files in /etc/init.d had
changed considerably.  A quick question about this.  I really hope this
doesn't sound snippy, or like I'm stepping over the line, but can someone
familiar with the new networking setup drop a quick note or maybe point me
to a document describing the advantages?

Being a mere mortal, I definitely intend to read the dox thoroughly and
figure out the new networking setup. Then I'll upgrade the kernel before
upgrading to 2.2.  This will allow me to see if some of my issues won't
re-appear, maybe the upgrades carry the values forward and generate the
new files from there if the latest kernel is used first.

If it's definitely a good idea to upgrade the kernel first, is there any
way to let the user know that before they upgrade to 2.2?  Maybe a message
along the lines of, "You have asked dselect/apt to upgrade your machine
from 2.1 to 2.2, however you are still using a kernel from the 2.0.x
series.  It is strongly recommended that you upgrade to the latest 2.2.x
kernel before upgrading your Debian system to 2.2/potato." ...or somesuch.

After I'm finished with my research and upgrades, I'll post another

Cheers, y'all, thanks for listenin'.... :)

Matthew Thompson       http://mattyt.net
mattyt@oz.net          http://www.oz.net/~mattyt
--Someday, I'll have a web page.--

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