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Re: [Install Report] Potato install for DSL router + show off box

On 16 May 2000, Karl M. Hegbloom wrote:

>  Perhaps that's what's wrong.  http.us.debian.org it the one I have it
>  pointing at.  I wonder if the admins there know about this?  How many

APT will try all the hosts in the DNS rotation if connect() fails. [Or at
least it is coded too, hard to test that]. It takes 120seconds to timeout
each host though, so you have to be patient.

>  machines are there to keep track of?  Maybe when one's down, it
>  should be taken out of the rotation until it's back online again.  I
>  wonder how they do that.

There are about 6, but the DNS propogation time for our zone is fairly
high and most of the problems are localized to one backbone or somesuch.


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