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Re: the recommended size for /var

On Tue, May 09, 2000 at 01:45:05PM +0200, Alexander N. Benner wrote:
> hi
> Ship's Log, Lt. Sven LUTHER, Stardate 090500.1318:
> > 
> > i think it would be best to incite the user to make a separate partition for
> > /var/cache or even /var/cache/apt, since apt-get filling the var partition can
> > break lot of stuff, as i have discovered (and i have a 512MB big /var
> > partition). apt-get fills it quickly, ...
> I would rather suggest apt-get not filling /var
> Cannot see why it would be so difficult to download the selected packages in
> reasonable blocks.
> I have a 1GB / Partition right now, and that got filled TOTALLY during
> instalation which made it impossible to go further at all.

Well, remember that apt-get don't erase older version of the package unless
you tell him to do so. Nice to do if you want to track unstable, and be able
to come back to a older version (you will have to do it by hand still) or
uninstall/reinstall packages without downloading them.



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