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Re: the recommended size for /var


Ship's Log, Lt. Sven LUTHER, Stardate 090500.1318:
> i think it would be best to incite the user to make a separate partition for
> /var/cache or even /var/cache/apt, since apt-get filling the var partition can
> break lot of stuff, as i have discovered (and i have a 512MB big /var
> partition). apt-get fills it quickly, ...

I would rather suggest apt-get not filling /var
Cannot see why it would be so difficult to download the selected packages in
reasonable blocks.
I have a 1GB / Partition right now, and that got filled TOTALLY during
instalation which made it impossible to go further at all.

Alexander N. Benner + Ripley@aleph.christen.net + IRCnet: Nikodemus@#ixthys

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