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Re: The X / mouse touble

> We sat down at LWCE-NY and tried to discuss this, but it's not an easy
> issue.
> Frankly, I think gpm ought to be re-written from scratch, stealing the
> protocol interpretation code from XFree86.  People are pretty good about
> getting support for all their crazy mouse variants in X.

That is a good point. I did not think of it before, because all my mice worked 
under gpm so far (but I do not have wheel-"I don't know what"-mice).

> > 2. Tell the user during xf86config, that the gpm configuration can be reused 
> > (assuming that gpmconfig has the reuse default, i.e. Branden and Zephaniah 
> > should decide which way can be gone for potato and woody).
> I will add remarks to xf86config warning the user about this.


> > 3. As a long term solution, a protocol name like Xnative instead of Microsoft 
> > would be nice.
> I think Merc had some evil plan for implementing a superset mouse protcol
> into which any other protocol could be translated.  When he gets further
> along on this, I can maybe work with XFree86 upstream on the issue.

Sounds great.


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