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Re: dselect/dpkg

On Sun, 31 Jan 1999, rrr wrote:

> ok.  I posted a more detailed explanation of what happened, but got no
> useful answer.  Here's the question with no background on how it happened
> and what I think doesn't work:  How do I "rebuild" dselect/dpkg's idea of
> what is installed i.e what file holds the "installed, not installed,
> dselected, etc." flags against the whole "available" database?  Apt-get
> and "dselect/apt method" have a serious gap in thier ability keep this
> straight.  If nothing else (actually I would like this best) is there a
> way to get dpkg to parse the p{ost, re}inst scripts to rebuild it's idea
> of what is actually installed on the system?

You may get a better response on the devel or user list.  The problems I
can think of right now is you don't know if a package has been installed
and then uninstalled which should probably leave the post/pre install
scripts (getting rid of them probably requires a purge).  Also, you don't
know the version of the installed files.  The best solution is to select
the packages for installation and hope theres not too much stuff that is
laying around on your hd forever (because it was used only on an old
version and you installed the new one).  Yes, this means going through
that dselect list again and downloading everything again.  This is what
backups are for.

Good luck,

+---                                                                    ---+
| Brandon Mitchell * bhmit1@mail.wm.edu * http://www.resnet.wm.edu/~bhmit1 |
|  The above is a completely random sequence of bits, any relation to an   |
|                     actual message is purely accidental.                 |

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