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Re: Do slink boot floppies work?

On Sat, 28 Nov 1998, Marc Singer wrote:

> I grabbed the 386 boot floppies from, um, I don't remember.  The version is 

It was incoming on llug.sep.bnl.gov (use it so much I should have a 

> The install fails when I try to install the drivers floppy.  The error
> is vague: error installing drivers.  There is something printed behind
> the dialog popup
>   ...lib/module_h...  
> The ellipsis are mine.  Most of the text is obscured.

Yikes, bad sign.  Can anyone in the group reproduce this?  Once all those
testers in the US recover from turkey overload, the list should pick up a
bit.  Since I'm done trying to beat my personal uptime record, I'll give
it a go when I get back to school and figure out what's wrong with my

Marc, can you give us an idea of how it failed (did it just say the
drivers failed?).  Try to make another drivers disk with another floppy
and write down the exact error message.  Also, give us an idea of your
hardware configuration.

Thanks everyone,

+---                                                              ---+
| Brandon Mitchell * bhmit1@mail.wm.edu * http://bhmit1.home.ml.org/ |
|  Sometimes you have to release software with bugs. - MS Recruiter  |

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