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Re: [Debconf13-ch] [Debconf-team] dc13 venue announcement?

Hi there!

On Mon, 27 Feb 2012 22:07:19 +0100, Francesca Ciceri wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 12:52:07PM +0100, Francesca Ciceri wrote:
> [...]
>> I've just drafted an announcement: we only lack a nice quote from one (or
>> more) members of the DebConf Committee and their ack.
>> As usual the draft is into publicity SVN repository, also via HTTP at:
>> http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/publicity/announcements/en/drafts/dc13-in-switzerland.wml?view=log
> I've just updated the draft with the changes suggested by Moray, Luca,
> Gaudenz and Axel: thank you all for the help!

Thank you.

BTW, about myself committing stuff I am involved in: I prefer not, to
     avoid any *obvious* possible bias.  I completely trust my fellow
     Debian colleagues (and *friends*), so I would prefer to continue
     providing patch.  And just to be sure: I will do, if asked.

> Luca, is it ok for you?

Go on, whenever it is on public places.  And I would be glad ;-)

Thx, bye,
Gismo / Luca

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